BrewDog - Almost Famous 440ml 6,8% alc.

New England IPA

Expirace: 22.5.24

Položka byla vyprodána…
Kód: 17876
145 Kč –38 % 89 Kč / ks
Kategorie: Pivovar
Hmotnost: 0.46 kg
Pivovar: BrewDog
Položka byla vyprodána…
White (431)
145 Kč –38 %
Složení: Voda, ječný a ovesný slad, torefikovaná pšenice, chmel. Obsahuje lepek.
Legislativní označení: Pivo světlé silné.
Ninabar s.r.o
Šimáčkova 3
Brno 628 00 

 Our latest foray into the realm of New England is ready for its close-up. The opening act showcases stone fruit and fresh grass with a citrus cliff-hanger. Simcoe, Cascade and Citra play their parts flawlessly bringing in big tropical notes and just a hint of floral flair to round-out their performance. A malt bill featuring oats and wheat ensure a well-rounded finish and super smooth delivery. Almost Famous – accept no imitations and stick around for an encore.

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